Disability Training Committee: WorkAbility for Employers


San Diego Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/san-diego-committee-on-employment-of-people-with-disabilities-9829515309

San Diego Workforce Partnership – Headquarters (no career center)WSor

9246 Lightwave Avenue ##210, San Diego, CA 92123

San Diego, CA, US, 92123

DTC Flyer with presenters information

The San Diego Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (SDCEPD) would like to welcome you to attend our FREE summer 2019 Disability Training Committee (DTC) event! If you are a recruiter, hiring manager, HR professional, or employer*, then the DTC is for you! By attending the DTC you will have the opportunity to have lunch (which is provided) and to learn about disability topics that impact the workplace and the workforce.

This June’s training is going to be about WorkAbility programs and how these programs create qualified candidates for you, our employers! WorkAbility programs provide employment services such as employment preparation, job development, placement, and retention to students within the high school, community college, and university settings. We are honored to have the participation of four WorkAbility Coordinators who will describe what each WorkAbility program does, about the student population they serve, and how Workability programs support and help prepare our students for employment. These Coordinators represent the Grossmont Union High School District, the San Diego Community College District, Southwestern College, and San Diego State University. Register today!

*The DTC is for recruiters, hiring managers, HR professionals, and employers and is not for the general public.


Please contact:

Shawn Fiala M.S., CRC

Chair, Disability Training Committee

San Diego Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities

